P.S. (pre script not post script): this is my first blog (So if you have any cribs I don’t care. This is my blog isn’t it; I am entitled to write all the shit I want to write). Don’t forget to post your comments. This blog may be unconventional and provocative and hope u forgive me (forget this crap all right. I don’t care what you think). And please forgive my alter ego (that’s me).
Hey for all of you who don’t know me. I am your average lazy bum whom you get to see around you a lot. The only difference is that I am from a top tech-school in India. Don’t ask me how I got here, for I don’t know what made me mugg as I did for those precious 2 years(hey aren’t you forgetting about the 3rd year. The year u repeated your course). I still regret what I did those two years oops three years. Well let’s talk about what I do in my room without going to the classes. That seems to be the million dollar question among my friends (is that stupid question worth a million dollars). Well I seem to be sleeping a lot these days maybe up to fourteen hours a day. The only thing that I am willing to do is eat. This is the reason why I weigh 95 kgs. I am not fat, I just consider myself as well nourished (ahhh you are getting on my nerves man). I am absolutely unenthusiastic about any sport. My attendance is falling short of the required average. My profs want to meet me about my falling presence in the class. I am proud to say that all the profs recognize me more than those damn first benchers who try to rg everyone. I absolutely hate those first benchers who keep their noses in their books, put up their hands as soon as the professor asks a question. I am telling you; these guys (only guys not the gals as there is a shortage of girls in IITM) must be crucified so that no one else repeats this ever. Well at present all I want to do is sit around my lazy ass and post such stupid blogs so that people like you can hate me for whatever the garbage that I have written.
Untill the next blog
This is The "DribblingDino" signing out
over and out................................